The Circle of Aloha...

Kirsten, the 1st Circle of Aloha recipient is an equestrian, artist and part of my Circle.
Everything the Power of the World does -- is done in a Circle. ~ Black Elk ~
I’ve been looking for ways to expand the Spread the Aloha program. Recently I had some fabric that was gifted to me and I knew immediately that I had to send it to one of my colleagues because she was having a tough year and the fabric was so perfect and so personal. That's why I've decided to create and share with you -- the Circle of Aloha.
Circles offer deep connection, mutual respect and creative collaboration. ... Circles create an opportunity for us to practice the art of collaboration and support each others leadership. Circles are a place to connect to your highest self and to collective wisdom. (The Next Evolutionary Step: The Power of Circle)
I approached my Circle and asked, "Would you be willing to donate money to help pay for the fabric and shipping so that we can send this quillo, this Maui Medicine blanket to make someone feel better?" I was overcome with emotion by the response.
That is when I decided to expand the Circle of Aloha Program for you —people who want to form their own Circle to do something for someone who is in chemotherapy, who is in pain, or is suffering. What better gift can you give -- than to wrap someone in the warmth of a quillo? Bring together your Circle to send a quillo to someone in need....
Let’s make the Circle stronger by spreading Aloha one quillo at a time.

For my 60th birthday, I have decided to sell all the quillos left in the store for $100/each plus shipping. This offer is good through the end of July. I will be taking a trip to the British Isles with my Mom and will have a new line in the Fall. Help me clear the shelves before I leave!

Buy buying a quillo, you help spread the Aloha, since for every 10 quillos sold,